Caveats Current Version Version Date VEWD is currently under development, and is unsupported in any fashion. Any version number less than 1.0 is a preliminary release. No guarantee is made about the correctness of operation of the program. Not all features are implemented. No guarantee of database compatability with future versions is implied. Currently, none of the backup functions are implemented, CSCE printing is unsupported due to the unavailability of tractor feed CSCE's, and no 610 printing is supported, although something will happen if you try it. The only printer really supported is the IBM. There are bound to be other flakies. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Current Session Data not merged into the History Database You are one lucky VE. The candidate and VE data for session , currently exists only in the active session files (VICTIMS and ATTVE). To select or create a new session now would result in all of this data being erased. If this is a valid session, it would have to be reconstructed from your paper records. If this is not a real session (I.E. you were just playing around) don't worry about it, just hit Escape to get out of help, and then Control-Enter to continue. If this is a real session that you forgot to post-process, hit Escapes until you are at the top level menu, Select the 'Maintainence' item, then select 'Post Session Cleanup', and finally 'Merge Active Session'. You can then safely select or create a session. OOVERVIEW MMAIN2 CCURSOR CCAVEAT Volunteer Exams Well Done Help Help is available throughout the program by pressing the F1 key. Overview Main Menu Cursor Control Keys Caveats Select an Item for more help or press Esc to Return MAIN Main Menu Help Current Version Version Date Brings up the Session Menu. Most of the Pre-session stuff time spent during an VE team defaults, exam session will be preferences, etc. spent under this one. Three guesses Pre and Post Session functions. Overview VEWD is designed to help Volunteer Examiners (VE's) manage the necessary, but time consuming paperwork aspects of a VE session. It is meant to be used before, during, and after an exam session. Its main tasks include: 1) Registering attending VE's and candidates for a session 2) Tracking the status of candidates and examination elements 3) Printing CSCE's (The tractor-feed CSCE's only) 4) Printing out the Candidate Roster and Test Session Summaries While it is copywritten, it may be freely distributed to to any accredited VE, providing all the distribution files are included. VEWD was conceived by: Glen Cabana(WA1HMF), Al Simons(WA1TYB), and Jim Heedles(WW1Y) Written by: Jim Heedles(WW1Y) Tested and beaten on by: Glen Cabana(WA1HMF), Al Simons(WA1TYB), CAVEAT LOSSHELP MAIN * MAIN2 OVERVIEW)